eBay does a really cool campaign for unwanted gifts, and as everybody will get some this time a year again a scoring campaign.
Here is the first movie, you can watch the 2 others on http://www.unwantedgift.be/.
For the fourth time in history the Time magazine chose not a person but a group of people. And it's YOU all the persons that contribute to the digital age, every person that posts a film on YouTube has an own blog or has contributed to Wikipedia, … The user generated content is king and I guess everybody knows it now.
http://www.molblog.nl/online/4219/fromfeed (NL, Molblog)
www.time.com (EN, Time)
The guy is online marketing person of the year in the Netherlands and he's definitely not afraid of kicking some Buts. I like the tone of his speech and he’s right about most of the things he says. But judge by yourself, sorry it’s a Dutch article.
http://www.molblog.nl/marketing/4205/fromfeed (nl, Molblog)
Posted by Kris 13:47
The Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions division from Microsoft Belux has a new site and if you never been there it's definitely a place to go as they now have even more content and the cases they explain their are very interesting.
An article form the search engine expert Mike Grehan, if you’re interested in SEO this is a really good article.
http://www.itcommercie.nl/ (nl)
I see the same evolution in all the country's around us so I guess for Belgium too the future is getting bright for the online advertising.
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/04/technology/04adcol.html?ex=1322888400&en=05b0dcf2bba31217&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss (en)
http://www.marketingonline.nl/nieuws/ModuleItem48061.html (nl)
I'm myself a huge fan of RSS feeds. I think they make my life much more easy and the offer me the content that I like when I like it. But I guess I'm not always the target of those feeds. Here is a little point of view about RSS feeds (likes or dislikes, traffic bringer to the site or the contrary, ....)
http://www.marketingfacts.nl/berichten/20061201_het_rss_dilemma/ (nl)
For all my colleagues in the graphical department that tell that "it's always the client that decides". Here is a proof of the contrary, if you got a good idea sometimes it pays off and the client likes it.